Jack Blais
Chapter PresidentThe chapter president is responsible for leading his brothers and managing the operations of the chapter. Jack is the face of the Fraternity to the chapter, the Greek community, and the university.

Dominic Brunner
Vice President of ProgrammingThe vice president of programming is responsible for planning and executing the chapter's events and functions. Dominic is the head of the programming committee and works to ensure his brothers have a balanced, values-based experience.

Micah Shelenberger
Vice Prisident of SigEp Learning CommunityAs Vice President of SigEp Learning Community, Micah is a resource for our brothers on campus and hosts presentations and learning opportunities. Events include professional development seminars, leadership case studies, and budget and investment training.

Aidan McSweyn
Vice President of FinanceThe Vice President of Finance is the chapter's chief financial officer. Aidan is entrusted with managing the chapter's budget and properly allocating financial resources.

Dillon Metcalf
Vice President of Member DevelopmentThe Vice President of Member Development oversees each brother's development experience. Dillon implements the Balanced Man Program, which provides a positive fraternal experience and ensures strong chapter leadership and operations. Programming by Dillon ensures that our Founders' vision lives on within our chapter.

Andrew Cormier
Vice President of RecruitmentThe Vice President of Recruitment drives the quantity and quality of a chapter's membership. By successfully recruiting the best men on campus, Andrew ensures an excellent fraternity experience for his brothers and the long-term success of our chapter.

Jacob Bentley
ChaplainThe chaplain is bestowed with the care and guard of the Fraternity's Ritual. He also leads the judicial branch of the chapter. In doing so, Jacob is responsible for holding all members accountable to the principles of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love, as well as the other membership standards. Additionally, Jacob plays a crucial role in recognizing and reinforcing his brothers' positive behaviors and actions.

Owen Bulmer
Vice President of CommunicationsThe Vice President of Communications is the chapter's information officer, lead storyteller, and the primary protector of the chapter's and Grand Chapter's brands. By wielding tools like chapter sites and social media, Owen can help shape the perception of the chapter and put its brand in place to thrive on campus.

Jackson Varley
Executive Vice PresidentThe Executive Vice President is responsible for overseeing the communication of the entire executive board. Jackson helps assist the executive board with the goals they have set and promotes open communication.